星期五, 3月 20, 2020


Think of a person you dislike, or disliked.
Describe them from a place of love.
This is an exercise in empathy or perhaps forgiveness.
Or perhaps it's just writing.

In Mandarin, the word hate (恨) contains heart (心). I know, this is not dislike. Dislike could be not liking, or maybe don't like... what am I talking about?

Thinking of a person that you dislike or disliked to me, is a waste of time. Though sometimes I couldn't help to wasting my time, when I read some related articles or similar stories. But I still don't like the idea of waste time on this. I would rather re-watch the dramas, or doing day dreaming. At least, despite wasting time, I feel happy.

It's life experience, where you'll learn to love, you'll learn to hate as well. And at times, you'll learn to let it go. It's actually quite torturing, when you love someone, or hate someone. When love, you try to get love in return. When hate, you try to avoid that feeling. I think, before putting empathy on others, or forgiving others, one should first empathy on oneself. There's nothing wrong to love or hate someone. It's fine to be rejected or hated by others too. You do not need to blame yourself for this. It's natural to feel love or hate. Even Saints have emotions (I believe).

I realised, pleasing other first, and putting oneself last, make the person miserable a lot. Others, could be doesn't really care how you feel. That's how the suicide thought started. You just need to forgive yourself not to please everyone. You need to forgive yourself not being perfect. You need to forgive yourself when you make mistake, and find ways not to repeat the mistake.

