星期一, 9月 30, 2019
星期日, 9月 29, 2019
星期六, 9月 28, 2019
星期五, 9月 27, 2019
星期四, 9月 26, 2019
星期三, 9月 25, 2019
星期二, 9月 24, 2019
Food stock tracking day 4
Well, well, well... It's day 4. I still have a lot of stock left!
Today I am on leave. Got my overnight oats prepared last night. And this morning, I added blue berries. Had the picture snap on the other phone, so I'll just embedded from my IG.
Then, I drove for more than 200km today, driving my parents to places where they needed to be.
And then, head back to my home, and had my dinner. Pepper chicken soup again, but today with tomato and baby corns!
Here's the stock update.
I am getting a new mini cooker, where I can cook rice and maybe... cook vegetables? Let's see how it goes.
Today I am on leave. Got my overnight oats prepared last night. And this morning, I added blue berries. Had the picture snap on the other phone, so I'll just embedded from my IG.
Then, I drove for more than 200km today, driving my parents to places where they needed to be.
And then, head back to my home, and had my dinner. Pepper chicken soup again, but today with tomato and baby corns!
Here's the stock update.
I am getting a new mini cooker, where I can cook rice and maybe... cook vegetables? Let's see how it goes.
星期一, 9月 23, 2019
剛才看了一部TED talk,然後發現我們一直在performing state,一直在做東西,而沒有學習東西,因此沒有進步。一針見血啊!難怪,覺得自己沒什麼進步。會好好思考的。題外話,不多說。
想想自己,很多時候,做很多事情都還真的純粹做做而已。嗯,看樣子,也不是題外話。在想著要給這首音樂畫些什麼的時候,為了方便、簡易,就只畫了顆破了的心,某些過往被釋放出來的畫面。沒有真正去花時間去思考,如何可以把這樣的意境呈現出來。這是我覺得自己連續畫了這幾個月,卻不覺得有進步。Practice makes perfect。我的practice似乎純粹玩玩而已。唉~
Food stock tracking day 3
Day 3, which is today. :D
Work from home this day, as I have some errands to do at home. I had instant cereal drink for breakfast. Should have prepared my overnight oats yesterday, but didn't expect to work from home today, so...
Then, a very superb lunch!
Pepper soup chicken.
And gyoza + king oyster mushroom baked with cheese!
Yes, you are right, no vege. Since kid, I hate vege. My mum forced me to eat vege. When I grow up, I force myself to eat vege. And people around me would sometimes thought I am a vegan. Com'on! Me? Vegan? hmm... who knows probably in the far future. :D
I had a milo drink and a pack of biscuit for dinner. Too lazy to get some fruits to eat. I'll make it up tomorrow. :D
I have finished my gyoza! No new stock of meat! I'm warned.
Work from home this day, as I have some errands to do at home. I had instant cereal drink for breakfast. Should have prepared my overnight oats yesterday, but didn't expect to work from home today, so...
Then, a very superb lunch!
Pepper soup chicken.
And gyoza + king oyster mushroom baked with cheese!
Yes, you are right, no vege. Since kid, I hate vege. My mum forced me to eat vege. When I grow up, I force myself to eat vege. And people around me would sometimes thought I am a vegan. Com'on! Me? Vegan? hmm... who knows probably in the far future. :D
I had a milo drink and a pack of biscuit for dinner. Too lazy to get some fruits to eat. I'll make it up tomorrow. :D
I have finished my gyoza! No new stock of meat! I'm warned.
Food stock tracking day 2
This day, I went to office. But I prepared overnight oat to bring to office as breakfast!
Not much consumption from my food stock on this day.
By the way, this round of pictures are the first set that I post on my IG with #myovernightoats!
Then, I have my mum-cooked-food. :)
Not much consumption from my food stock on this day.
By the way, this round of pictures are the first set that I post on my IG with #myovernightoats!
Then, I have my mum-cooked-food. :)
Food stock tracking day 1
Recently I am so obsessed to post things online, and started a few projects in IG, Weibo, and YouTube! However, I blog lesser and lesser. I mean, literally I don't do any real blogging recently. And I was thinking to start this food stock tracking in IG, so I need not worry about time spent to write something about it!
Anyway, I think I have enough of projects started on IG. I'll keep my food stock tracking here.
For some times, I have been work from home a lot, then I have food in my fridge from time to time, so I can keep myself in the house and not going out. Then, a discussion was held with our manager, about people starts to "complain" about us working from home. After that, I try to work in office more. At one point of time, I don't stock much food at home, and this forces me to keep working in office.
Recently, the haze hits badly on our Earth. My colleague even questioned me, why I work in office? BECAUSE I don't have anything at home to eat! So, I decided to buy some meat, so I could WFH. Ended up, I bought A LOT of meat! Happy-ing!
While I was doing my expenses tracking, I have the urge to do some journaling with this receipt. So, here comes the food stock tracking page in my journal!
Let's see what I bought, and how is the consumption for day 1!
Picture of my lunch.
I didn't capture my dinner. But the Gyoza is yummy!!!
That's all for day 1.
Anyway, I think I have enough of projects started on IG. I'll keep my food stock tracking here.
For some times, I have been work from home a lot, then I have food in my fridge from time to time, so I can keep myself in the house and not going out. Then, a discussion was held with our manager, about people starts to "complain" about us working from home. After that, I try to work in office more. At one point of time, I don't stock much food at home, and this forces me to keep working in office.
Recently, the haze hits badly on our Earth. My colleague even questioned me, why I work in office? BECAUSE I don't have anything at home to eat! So, I decided to buy some meat, so I could WFH. Ended up, I bought A LOT of meat! Happy-ing!
While I was doing my expenses tracking, I have the urge to do some journaling with this receipt. So, here comes the food stock tracking page in my journal!
Let's see what I bought, and how is the consumption for day 1!
Picture of my lunch.
I didn't capture my dinner. But the Gyoza is yummy!!!
That's all for day 1.
星期日, 9月 22, 2019
星期五, 9月 20, 2019
星期四, 9月 19, 2019
星期三, 9月 18, 2019
星期二, 9月 17, 2019
星期日, 9月 15, 2019
星期五, 9月 13, 2019
星期四, 9月 12, 2019
一直到了半年後,在草稿簿裡,再寫上標題【我在雨中等你】,重新寫。那應該是在午休的時候,翻開隨身攜帶的稿子簿寫的。在編曲的時候,又耍起硬脾氣,寫了不怎麼搭詞的曲子。因此有了那段【信情故事 - 我在雨中等你】的小段。
耳機無法正常操作,於是這次的錄音是單軌錄音,one take把吉他和唱歌一起錄製。怎麼辦?到底是哪出錯?麥克風收到的聲音沒問題啊。從電腦輸出的聲音就怎麼變成了靜音?>_____<
一直到了半年後,在草稿簿裡,再寫上標題【我在雨中等你】,重新寫。那應該是在午休的時候,翻開隨身攜帶的稿子簿寫的。在編曲的時候,又耍起硬脾氣,寫了不怎麼搭詞的曲子。因此有了那段【信情故事 - 我在雨中等你】的小段。
耳機無法正常操作,於是這次的錄音是單軌錄音,one take把吉他和唱歌一起錄製。怎麼辦?到底是哪出錯?麥克風收到的聲音沒問題啊。從電腦輸出的聲音就怎麼變成了靜音?>_____<
星期三, 9月 11, 2019
星期二, 9月 10, 2019
星期一, 9月 09, 2019
星期日, 9月 08, 2019
星期六, 9月 07, 2019
星期五, 9月 06, 2019
星期四, 9月 05, 2019
[JJ #每日一畫] drawing flip through July - August 2019
星期三, 9月 04, 2019
星期二, 9月 03, 2019
星期一, 9月 02, 2019
Westlife: The Twenty Tour Live
那天,翻開手帳,看見了當時從網上抄來的一幅圖。那圖,寫著這麼一句:“每次回頭,你都要在,好嗎?” 我在那一頁,寫下了“陪伴是最長情的告白”。這段音樂,正好給我一種陪伴的感覺。
星期日, 9月 01, 2019
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