Find a photograph of a stranger.
Find it online, in the newspaper, anywhere.
Animate that person.
Bring them to life.
Huh? Yeah. This is for today's assignment.
He looked cool. His lips closed tight, like he would never allow any word come out from his mouth. He briefly frown. He unconsciously used his right hand to adjust his glasses, and used the same hand to flip the book to another page. It seems like a three to four hundred page of book. Every now and then, he would pick up the cup of coffee and had a sip. Sometimes, a small grin would appear on his face. There must be some funny lines in the book. I continue to make wild guesses what could be the book content is about. Suddenly, he looked right into my eyes, with smile on his face. I got nervous, and turned away my sight. When I looked back, he is gone.
The end.
I don't know what to write, and how to describe... how to animate that person. But recently, I YouTube about 張雨劍 from【我只喜歡你】. :D
星期二, 3月 31, 2020
星期一, 3月 30, 2020
在戒嚴回老家前,忘了把蕭帶回家⋯⋯也沒想過要把吉他帶回家⋯⋯於是,就經過了兩個星期完全沒碰樂器的日子。我把四月的habit tracker裡的練琴,都換掉了~
剛才,把藏在store room的吉他搬出來。調音的時候,就想,會不會短線?第一條,還好。第二條,也很好。一直到最後一條了,我的手背,就被吉他線打到了。555~~
剛才,把藏在store room的吉他搬出來。調音的時候,就想,會不會短線?第一條,還好。第二條,也很好。一直到最後一條了,我的手背,就被吉他線打到了。555~~
星期日, 3月 29, 2020
昨天早上如常,刷手機,看YouTube。Psych2Go po了個貼文,說在一張雜亂的字母拼寫裡,找出三個字。我看到了是這三個。聯想到最近的經驗及不滿、不爽,這三個字提醒了我,生活該是什麼的模樣。
星期四, 3月 26, 2020
Anyway,我這個是懶人包。每個星期一去買一條麵包,還有免洗蔬菜。早上的時候,把麵包和一片Kraft Cheese放進烘爐烤個五分鐘,然後把免洗蔬菜夾在麵包之間,就完成啦~一個星期吃四天。原料少於RM20⋯⋯咦?其實也沒有怎麼便宜丫~就是,吃蔬菜多了。噢,還有成就感。嗯。
這是月計劃部份。由於戒嚴,那個chord styling III被刪掉了。在老家,無法練琴。那10K小說,有點力不從心。不過,這個週末給自己留了一天時間來趕工。那PGU課程,想來,可能會放棄。今年的重點其實有更改了。不過,因為購買了一年的subscription,才想逼自己繼續學下去⋯⋯當然,幸運的是,那油畫課就在戒嚴之前。^^
這是我記錄accomplishment和gratitude log的版面。黑筆寫accomplishment,藍筆寫gratitude。寫這個,讓自己可以注意一些小成就,建立自信;在生活裡的小細節裡,找出感恩的理由。我覺得這麼做很棒。剛開始的時候,覺得自己一直都沒有做好一件事,覺得生活裡沒什麼值得感恩的。經過這樣的記錄,發現這些生活裡的小細節,內心覺得滿滿的。買了一些字母、數字印章,今年開始用。^^
接下來的這頁,是每個星期日晚上回顧整個星期,寫下what went well及improvement list。
在這本子裡面,還有一些列表,記錄YouTube上傳、TED觀後記錄、Tech thought記錄、看了什麼書、小說、戲劇、電影等的記錄。就不一一列出來了。
這又是另一本。我用在冰島拍攝的照片,在Photobook那裡訂製了一本子。用來做一些habit tracking,還有可能弄一些free style的journaling。
這是用買回來的便簽紙弄成的sleeping tracking。兩條粉色線是該上床睡覺和起床的時間。睡眠7個小時。這是挺難達到的目標⋯⋯之一。不過,這戒嚴期間,還保持得不錯的。
這是其他的habit tracking。去年用的本子,是弄得好好了的表,只是填上項目,然後每日打勾就可以了。今年沒買新本子,舊本子沒有這樣的功能表,於是就用這個小日曆來做記錄。這些日曆,是用硅膠印章印出來的。我還真的囤了不少貨,今年是開始用了。這應該是去年買的。和那個sleeping tracking的便簽紙一起買的。在網上看見不少達人弄得美美的,於是我也搬出水彩,給它添些顏色。一月和二月份的,就真的只有黑與白⋯⋯
這是月計劃部份。由於戒嚴,那個chord styling III被刪掉了。在老家,無法練琴。那10K小說,有點力不從心。不過,這個週末給自己留了一天時間來趕工。那PGU課程,想來,可能會放棄。今年的重點其實有更改了。不過,因為購買了一年的subscription,才想逼自己繼續學下去⋯⋯當然,幸運的是,那油畫課就在戒嚴之前。^^
這是我記錄accomplishment和gratitude log的版面。黑筆寫accomplishment,藍筆寫gratitude。寫這個,讓自己可以注意一些小成就,建立自信;在生活裡的小細節裡,找出感恩的理由。我覺得這麼做很棒。剛開始的時候,覺得自己一直都沒有做好一件事,覺得生活裡沒什麼值得感恩的。經過這樣的記錄,發現這些生活裡的小細節,內心覺得滿滿的。買了一些字母、數字印章,今年開始用。^^
接下來的這頁,是每個星期日晚上回顧整個星期,寫下what went well及improvement list。
在這本子裡面,還有一些列表,記錄YouTube上傳、TED觀後記錄、Tech thought記錄、看了什麼書、小說、戲劇、電影等的記錄。就不一一列出來了。
這又是另一本。我用在冰島拍攝的照片,在Photobook那裡訂製了一本子。用來做一些habit tracking,還有可能弄一些free style的journaling。
這是用買回來的便簽紙弄成的sleeping tracking。兩條粉色線是該上床睡覺和起床的時間。睡眠7個小時。這是挺難達到的目標⋯⋯之一。不過,這戒嚴期間,還保持得不錯的。
這是其他的habit tracking。去年用的本子,是弄得好好了的表,只是填上項目,然後每日打勾就可以了。今年沒買新本子,舊本子沒有這樣的功能表,於是就用這個小日曆來做記錄。這些日曆,是用硅膠印章印出來的。我還真的囤了不少貨,今年是開始用了。這應該是去年買的。和那個sleeping tracking的便簽紙一起買的。在網上看見不少達人弄得美美的,於是我也搬出水彩,給它添些顏色。一月和二月份的,就真的只有黑與白⋯⋯
星期二, 3月 24, 2020
Write down 20 words that describe water.
Now describe water without using any of those words.
No cheating.
上善若水。By Lao Tzu, the greatest virtue has the characteristic of water. It nurtures life but do not claim credits.
It could be in solid, liquid or gaseous state, surrounding us.
More than half of our body is composed by water.
Plain water is tasteless.
Sparkling water can help in digestion.
Coffee is refreshing.
I love tea the best.
The water takes the container's shape.
It can fill the emptiness within the sand.
The slow water dropping sound, can calms one's feeling.
H2O. The diameter of a water molecule is about 2.75 angstroms.
It is not a good conductor, but electricity shocks can easily happen.
Water is colourless, but when it works well with water colour for a painting.
It wash away the soap.
滴水穿石。The water drops could make a hole on a stone.
You'll miss water when you are in dessert.
You can't differentiate tear and water by eyes.
Water is clear when it's still, turbid when you stir it.
Sea water is salty.
Stalactites and stalagmites cannot be formed without water.
Now describe water without using any of those words.
No cheating.
上善若水。By Lao Tzu, the greatest virtue has the characteristic of water. It nurtures life but do not claim credits.
It could be in solid, liquid or gaseous state, surrounding us.
More than half of our body is composed by water.
Plain water is tasteless.
Sparkling water can help in digestion.
Coffee is refreshing.
I love tea the best.
The water takes the container's shape.
It can fill the emptiness within the sand.
The slow water dropping sound, can calms one's feeling.
H2O. The diameter of a water molecule is about 2.75 angstroms.
It is not a good conductor, but electricity shocks can easily happen.
Water is colourless, but when it works well with water colour for a painting.
It wash away the soap.
滴水穿石。The water drops could make a hole on a stone.
You'll miss water when you are in dessert.
You can't differentiate tear and water by eyes.
Water is clear when it's still, turbid when you stir it.
Sea water is salty.
Stalactites and stalagmites cannot be formed without water.
星期五, 3月 20, 2020
Think of a person you dislike, or disliked.
Describe them from a place of love.
This is an exercise in empathy or perhaps forgiveness.
Or perhaps it's just writing.
In Mandarin, the word hate (恨) contains heart (心). I know, this is not dislike. Dislike could be not liking, or maybe don't like... what am I talking about?
Thinking of a person that you dislike or disliked to me, is a waste of time. Though sometimes I couldn't help to wasting my time, when I read some related articles or similar stories. But I still don't like the idea of waste time on this. I would rather re-watch the dramas, or doing day dreaming. At least, despite wasting time, I feel happy.
It's life experience, where you'll learn to love, you'll learn to hate as well. And at times, you'll learn to let it go. It's actually quite torturing, when you love someone, or hate someone. When love, you try to get love in return. When hate, you try to avoid that feeling. I think, before putting empathy on others, or forgiving others, one should first empathy on oneself. There's nothing wrong to love or hate someone. It's fine to be rejected or hated by others too. You do not need to blame yourself for this. It's natural to feel love or hate. Even Saints have emotions (I believe).
I realised, pleasing other first, and putting oneself last, make the person miserable a lot. Others, could be doesn't really care how you feel. That's how the suicide thought started. You just need to forgive yourself not to please everyone. You need to forgive yourself not being perfect. You need to forgive yourself when you make mistake, and find ways not to repeat the mistake.
Describe them from a place of love.
This is an exercise in empathy or perhaps forgiveness.
Or perhaps it's just writing.
In Mandarin, the word hate (恨) contains heart (心). I know, this is not dislike. Dislike could be not liking, or maybe don't like... what am I talking about?
Thinking of a person that you dislike or disliked to me, is a waste of time. Though sometimes I couldn't help to wasting my time, when I read some related articles or similar stories. But I still don't like the idea of waste time on this. I would rather re-watch the dramas, or doing day dreaming. At least, despite wasting time, I feel happy.
It's life experience, where you'll learn to love, you'll learn to hate as well. And at times, you'll learn to let it go. It's actually quite torturing, when you love someone, or hate someone. When love, you try to get love in return. When hate, you try to avoid that feeling. I think, before putting empathy on others, or forgiving others, one should first empathy on oneself. There's nothing wrong to love or hate someone. It's fine to be rejected or hated by others too. You do not need to blame yourself for this. It's natural to feel love or hate. Even Saints have emotions (I believe).
I realised, pleasing other first, and putting oneself last, make the person miserable a lot. Others, could be doesn't really care how you feel. That's how the suicide thought started. You just need to forgive yourself not to please everyone. You need to forgive yourself not being perfect. You need to forgive yourself when you make mistake, and find ways not to repeat the mistake.
星期一, 3月 16, 2020
星期四, 3月 12, 2020
It's Emperor's friend
Pick an animal you know little about and find its picture.
A capybara, an aardvark, a shoebill, a ribbon worm.
Describe it as you were an expert.
Alright, I got distracted by Googling上古神獸. I am wondering, shall I put this in Chinese. I could have direct translate the word "animal" to 獸, and causing all these distraction and confusion. I chose Black Tortoise (玄武) at first, later read something about the Vermilion Bird (朱雀) and wanted to work on that. However, whatever I found in my search result, I am not able to describe it (them) as animal. :( Also, I can't decide which of the 4 I like the best. Then, I came across 太阳烛照 and 太阴幽荧. I am not able to find the translation for this two, but, you can say they are the sun and the moon...
So, I pull myself back to today's topic. What animal should I pick. The ones I read earlier, are not animal. They are mythological. I spent more than 20 minutes, still unable to decide what to write.
I just flipped 山海經, and found this 五彩鳥. As I googled, it returned me 五色鳥 (Taiwan barbet). So, let's do this. :) I'll combine the info I got in 山海經 and Wiki.
It's is called as five-coloured bird in Chinese.
The plumage is mostly green. The lore has a red spot. The ear-coverts and lower malar are blue. The throat is mustard yellow. The forehead is yellow. There is a black stripe above the eye. The beak is black and thick. The breast has a blue band and a red band. The belly is yellowish-green. The feet are greyish. (Copied from Wiki...)
This bird's tweet sounds like a monk playing the wooden fish (木魚!), and it is so colourful, thus it's also called flowerish monk (花和尚). :D
They like to do couple dance (can't find a suitable translation for 相對起舞...). They are Emperor Jun's (帝俊) friends. The Emperor Jun's two altar in the mortal world are managed by this 五彩鳥。
- end -
A capybara, an aardvark, a shoebill, a ribbon worm.
Describe it as you were an expert.
Alright, I got distracted by Googling上古神獸. I am wondering, shall I put this in Chinese. I could have direct translate the word "animal" to 獸, and causing all these distraction and confusion. I chose Black Tortoise (玄武) at first, later read something about the Vermilion Bird (朱雀) and wanted to work on that. However, whatever I found in my search result, I am not able to describe it (them) as animal. :( Also, I can't decide which of the 4 I like the best. Then, I came across 太阳烛照 and 太阴幽荧. I am not able to find the translation for this two, but, you can say they are the sun and the moon...
So, I pull myself back to today's topic. What animal should I pick. The ones I read earlier, are not animal. They are mythological. I spent more than 20 minutes, still unable to decide what to write.
I just flipped 山海經, and found this 五彩鳥. As I googled, it returned me 五色鳥 (Taiwan barbet). So, let's do this. :) I'll combine the info I got in 山海經 and Wiki.
It's is called as five-coloured bird in Chinese.
The plumage is mostly green. The lore has a red spot. The ear-coverts and lower malar are blue. The throat is mustard yellow. The forehead is yellow. There is a black stripe above the eye. The beak is black and thick. The breast has a blue band and a red band. The belly is yellowish-green. The feet are greyish. (Copied from Wiki...)
This bird's tweet sounds like a monk playing the wooden fish (木魚!), and it is so colourful, thus it's also called flowerish monk (花和尚). :D
They like to do couple dance (can't find a suitable translation for 相對起舞...). They are Emperor Jun's (帝俊) friends. The Emperor Jun's two altar in the mortal world are managed by this 五彩鳥。
- end -
星期二, 3月 03, 2020
I was there!
Think of a scene in a film you loved.
Rewrite it.
Add one new character. You.
Ford v Ferrari
Which scene? I am not sure. I wish I was part of the drivers in the Le Mans race. Try to feel the speed of weightless, on the road.
Wow! It took me ~ 10 minutes to reach here. Let me run through the scenes on my mind.
The scene where Leo Beebe suggest to Henry Ford II to have all Ford cars to reach the finish line together. I stepped out and further suggest. "Sir, I think that is a brilliant idea. I think we should make it to have even better headline on tomorrow's newspaper! I suggest instead to have them cross the finish line in parallel, we should make it a V-shape, headed by Miles in front! You see, V for victory! And tomorrow's headline would be, Ford all-in V-ictory in Le Mans!"
Beebe yelled at me, "Who are you?! Why are you here?!"
"I am here to save you from making mistake, idiot!" I whispered in my heart.
Henry Ford II had a confused look, but he liked my tagline. He pointed at me, "You go and take care of this."
"Yes, sir!" I quickly ran to Shelby and told him about it.
He looked at me like I am a weirdo, but still make his talk to Miles.
Miles rejected. Shelby told him, "This is your race, I'll leave it to you."
The ending of that Le Mans race finally had Miles as the winner.
It was indeed a happy ending.
Think of a scene in a film you loved.
Rewrite it.
Add one new character. You.
Ford v Ferrari
Which scene? I am not sure. I wish I was part of the drivers in the Le Mans race. Try to feel the speed of weightless, on the road.
Wow! It took me ~ 10 minutes to reach here. Let me run through the scenes on my mind.
The scene where Leo Beebe suggest to Henry Ford II to have all Ford cars to reach the finish line together. I stepped out and further suggest. "Sir, I think that is a brilliant idea. I think we should make it to have even better headline on tomorrow's newspaper! I suggest instead to have them cross the finish line in parallel, we should make it a V-shape, headed by Miles in front! You see, V for victory! And tomorrow's headline would be, Ford all-in V-ictory in Le Mans!"
Beebe yelled at me, "Who are you?! Why are you here?!"
"I am here to save you from making mistake, idiot!" I whispered in my heart.
Henry Ford II had a confused look, but he liked my tagline. He pointed at me, "You go and take care of this."
"Yes, sir!" I quickly ran to Shelby and told him about it.
He looked at me like I am a weirdo, but still make his talk to Miles.
Miles rejected. Shelby told him, "This is your race, I'll leave it to you."
The ending of that Le Mans race finally had Miles as the winner.
It was indeed a happy ending.
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